I'll often hunt out of a backpack for days at a time. Just about every year I'll find myself in temps below 50degrees where it stays wet for days straight. After two or three days of this, everything will become wet and it will be nearly impossible to dry out. I'll be wet from the outside from moisture in the air and wet from the inside from sweat. This is where I prefer wool as a base layer over synthetics. Synthetics by their nature will develop odor and will not return a great value of heat when wet. Using ultra light base layers of wool such as made by Icebreaker or Smartwool will not retain odor and will return a greater value of heat when wet. For me, by the 4th or 5th day there is a world of difference between the two.
When it comes to the outer layers, for the same reason as noted above, I dislike goretex as the pores will become over saturated with moisture, sweat and grime turning it into poor gear. I prefer real rain gear such as Impertech by HH which has a multidirectional give, is 100% waterproof and manages ventilation through proper design and vents. You then use wool underneath to manage moisture while staying comfortable. Wool has the ability to absorb 60% of its weight in moisture and feel dry.
Now if going to higher elevations with dry air and the ability to dry out gear, weight is usually a big factor and I'd generally replace wool outer layers with more modern synthetics. But, I still prefer the ultra light base layers of wool over synthetics for multi day hunts.
I'm not super big on camo paterns, but anything that helps break your outline is a good thing.
I'll add that the latest scientific reports I've read on the deers ability to detect cool colors such as green on the color scale while seeing warm colors such as red on the gray scale, indicated that red better hides movement by blending into the background. Add to this that deer see on the UV scale, most synthetics glow like a ghost to deer whereas wool does not. The bottom line was the testing indicated that the most ideal camo for deer hunting was probably the old school red and black plaid wool outer garments.
Daddy Bear