frassetor, here's a couple of Trad Gang members that you could PM to get the definitive poop on your question:
Rod Jenkins (SHOOT08S) is a former IBO World Champion; I also know that he owns an OL Adcock two-piece longbow. I don't know what he shot in competition. But, you could get his take on why he shoots what he shoots.
John Havard (John Havard)one of the owners of A&H Archery. Along with OL Adcock, they have compiled TONS of data on how and why a bow does what it does...there has to be a reason that they chose primarily to go with a longbow design (the Adcock Cross Section is easier to design in to a "staight" limb) but I know that A&H is currently working on designing a recurve limb as well...
It would be great if you could PM these guys and get them to post their thoughts here....