As a new recurve shooter, I have enjoyed reading all of the helpful posts on Tradgang. One of the reasons that I bought a recurve is so my son and I could shoot together at similar ranges without getting bored. As it turns out, I have thoroughly enjoyed shooting the bow and look forward to learning more. My next task is to decide on a broadhead (probably W-W). My bow is a Brackenbury Shadow, 51#@62".
One of the posts that I read talked about a shooting game. My son Tate and I decided to give it a try. The way it works is you mark off 10, 15, 20, 35, 30, and 35 yards (the post that I read went all the way back to 50). You start off at 10 and shoot one arrow at the target. If you make the shot, you move back to the next mark. If you miss, you continue to move up until you hit the target then start backing up. The first to hit the target from 35 yards wins.
Well, this afternoon Tate won both games. I do remind him fairly often that he is using training wheels and sights.
We have a lot of fun and it is great practice.
Here is the final winning shot, his from 35 (top arrow) and mine from 25: