ok, so to start: just take your nocking tool and make sure your serving will start below where it clips onto your string. then just pull a little extra from the spool and pinch the serving so that a 3" tag is aligned with the string and pointing to the top of the bow. just start about 2 or 3 wraps with your fingers over the string and the tag. so basically just overwrap itself. then pull the tag a touch to tighten. then just wrap with the tool over the string and tag towards the top of bow and trim the tag when you have overwrapped it by about 2" or a bit less. doesn't really matter. at the top, just take a piece of the serving material and make a loop you can wrap over the same way and then cut the main thread, place tag through the loop, then pull the loose ends to pull the tag of the main thread under the wrap (maybe 1" or so). cut and burn the tag....done