Man - this really pumps me up - sounds and looks like a REAL flashlight - finally. On top of that, a lot of folks whose opinions I have come to respect on here and other forums (not just the "in-famous" folks either - LOL) are saying great things about it. I can see I gotta start looking for pennies and aluminum cans, or something and order me one. (I have a Mini-Mag headband - always used one going in and out - will that hold it or is it a tad smaller?)
I got sucked into one of those curssed Carnivore lights false video about three years back, put out by a fine knife co, who should have stuck with knives. Some of you may recall how I blasted them (Gerber) for that fiasco on here and other forums - and some folks joined me. That venerable knife company could not have cared less, and as far as I know never offered any redress or (real) apologies to anyone. I still have and do not use the worthless thing. Last year a (active Duty Marine friend - Semper Fi) got me a Shure Fire light and while it is a pretty good light (and I appreciated it), it does have it's (time) drawbacks, and I wasn't quite as impressed with it as I recall being when they first came out (and I couldn't afford them). It could be a "lesser" model, or it could be these ol' eyes are getting worse - LOL - BUT THIS video is impressive and obviously not rigged, that I can discerne. I'm impressed.
Gotta have one!
Course so far this year I haven't even seen a Deer yet during shooting hours (just coming and going from/to hunting - LOL)and not getting out as much anymore, let alone needed to track one - But gotta have one anyway - just because it has gotta be the best REAL hunter's light yet - I'm convinced, and haven't even seen it (face to face) yet - (like the Deer - LOL).
Good job Wensels and Brothers of the Bow (you too Biggie, for starting the thread).
Expect one more order as soon as my ship comes in - LOL. BTW, Thank you to everyone else also for all the good comments, observations, and questions.