I've tried a single carbon strip in the center of my bow designs and found no improvements over a uni weft core. When discussing carbon usage with Mark Horne he told me that in his testing he found that tapering 2 carbon strips in his bow designs made a large enough improvement too include it as an option. The advantage of carbon is the weight to strength ratio, in my designs it just does not seem to help enough. There are many bowyers using carbon that say their bows improve performance, and I know of more than a few shooters who say they can tell the difference between a bow with carbon and one without when shooting them. I am not one of these people. The bottom line is find a bow you're comfortable with and shoots well for you, that bow may be a selfbow. I wouldn't recommend getting hung-up all the hype out there, remmember that this sport we enjoy has been around for over 10,000 years, you can get it done many different ways.