So here's the deal. I have been scouting my hunting area everyday checking the trails, marking the activity in several area's crossing the streams, and on several occassions have jumped deer in the area. But lately i havent seen any deer or tracks in any of the known area's , did i scare them away? and if i did make it to "hot" when will they come back? i know no one can really know that last question, but do any of you have experience with this?
Question two, i have noticed that it seems a certain size of deer will cross a stream in one area, while the smaller ones will cross at another area. Now the area's i speak of both have very little water and are not hard to cross in either case, so what may be causing that, or is it just coincidence? thanks for helping a first year hunter, hopefully my game came will come soon and i can better see whats crackin out there. Thanks again.