just wondering who has shot one of Chad's bows(he is a sponser here). this weekend i had the pleasure of meeting Chad and tring a few of his bows. the only problem i could find, was picking out wich one i liked the best (i liked them all). the bows are very well built and look great. i ended up with a 59" long bow. it has a diamond wood riser, red ceder limbs with a bamboo core. it is 46 lbs @ 28". i have a 27 " draw, and it shoots fast and it has no hand shock at all. for those interested in speed, i shot it through the crono with both sets of arrows i had with. with my ceder arrows at 499 grains it was at 163 - 165 f/s with my aluminums at 450 grains it was 168 - 170 f/s. with my short draw, i think this bow is smokin fast.