3Rivers Archery

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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: FrankinArrow  (Read 271 times)

Offline Brian Gillispie

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« on: August 18, 2008, 06:20:00 PM »
Hey all,

   I have been working on my daughters arrow bow setup.  As I mentioned earlier,  Lydia is 12 years old.  At the star shoot up in Roanoak VA she picked up a Black Creek Banshee From Sipsee River.  

This bow is 40#@ 28"

She is drawing about 19 inches.

I set her up with some 1716 lites cut to about 21 3/4 inches from nock to insert.

I picked up a field point test kit from 3Rivers and we went and played in a nearby field.

We had the best flights with the 200gr and 250gr heads.  

We had a bit of trouble with fishtailing on the 200 grain head but lowering the nock point seemed to fix that.

Ok,  Now the question,  Are we Crazy putting such a Massive Broadhead on the end of this arrow for deer?

Does anyone have any suggestions on what type of broadhead would fly well out of this settup?

At these low poundages would Dr Ashby's broadheads be the best choice or does his research need more Octatane to see the results he was getting?

Thanks for your help all,

Brian Gillispie
Spinning faster round the pole. Soon to old from chasing gold. Young hands wrinkle, hearts to stone. Dust to dust and ashes cold

Offline SpikeMaster

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Re: FrankinArrow
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2008, 08:45:00 AM »
Have you measured her draw weight at her draw length? Normally a bow gains or loses about 2.5 to 3 pounds per inch. That means that she's only pulling 13 to 17.5 pounds. Would you advocate anyone hunting deer with a 13 pound bow? I hate to say this but I think she has some growing up to do before she can bowhunt deer.

Offline OkKeith

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Re: FrankinArrow
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2008, 10:35:00 AM »
Hey Brian,

Might give some good thought to what SpikeMaster mentioned.

With that said... My girlfriend shoots a 45# Red Wing Hunter. Her draw length is just short of 24" so she shoots a 26" arrow (goldtip 3555). The bow is a little stiff for her, not more than she can handle, but stiff. If she were to drop down to a 40# bow, with her draw length, she would not meet the 40# minimum weight limit to be legal.

We tried 125 grain, 150 grain and heavier target and hunting points, but what flew the best and more importantly what she shot most accuratly with, were 100 grain points.

I had to look long and hard to find a broadhead with a cutting diameter she was happy with, and settled on a Magnus. Granted, the arrow is a little light, but right now she only hunts small game and turkeys with her bow. When she decides she is ready for deer, we will have to make some upward adjustments to her arrow weight.

Pretty cool that your gal is shooting a bow at that age.

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Offline SouthMDShooter

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Re: FrankinArrow
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2008, 11:08:00 AM »
I think its great shes shooting a bow but I dont think that bow at her draw weight is sufficent enough to hunt deer with. Nothing good can come of shooting a deer with a bow 13 to 17.5 pounds. But maybe a good alternative would be small game?
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And that has made all the difference."
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Offline SpikeMaster

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Re: FrankinArrow
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2008, 12:31:00 PM »
I didn't mean to sound discouraging in my post. Like the others have said before it's great that she has an interest in traditional archery and that should be encouraged. The setup she's using should be ok for small game if broadheads are used.

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