I have been running a lot this spring and summer, trying to get back into shape. Anyway, about two or three times a week my route takes me past a lone bull. Now, if you aren't from elk country, you might not know that bulls tend to head to the high country, as high as they can get, in early spring. Not much to disturb them they stay cool, and there is less to tangle their sensitive growing antlers in. Well, this fella must not have received that memo.

I first noticed him early in the spring and it must have been just after he dropped his antlers because for a long time I thought he was a cow elk. I saw him chasing the real cows a time or two... And then his antlers began to grow! It has been an amazing summer for myself and a handful of others who care to look around on their walks, bike rides and runs. He is most likely in his third summer, not a monster yet, but a 5x6 with an atypical point on one side...

There's also a bachelor group of mule deer bucks that I "run into" a few times a month... two decent 4x4s and a large spike who seems to be the alert one of the group... but that's another story for another day!