I got to go with all the above. As a small archery shop owner, I get my lure from a deer farm. It is 100% fresh, sent to me overnight and then I repackage etc. Now the deer farm owner, told me that deer lure works on some days and on others it sure does not seem to work. During the doe cycle ( breeding) it seems there is just a few days that her scent will be at just the right scent that a buck with trail her, to be there when shwe is ready to breed. I have only had that occur over lure 3 times in about 50 years of hunting. Do I still put out lure, sometimes, like in the peak rut time for NY ( first week of Nov ), put I do think the best is keep your camo clean, I keep my camo in a big plastic tote with fresh pine, I change or wash it about every 3 days with scent free soap, and number 1 for us hunters is make sure you keep the wind in your face. I even have a very small feather attached to the bow string, to tell me when wind is changing... Hope this helps and good luck in your first huntin season..