Frank, no hammering...Just tell us how you KNOW they aren't flying well without a refference? Fletched field tips are the refference, wide bh's or bareshaft are what's needed to compare to the refference.
Problems you can "see" are HUGE, and problems you can't see are causeing misses that could be avoided with a little effort. To take your thinking one step further, shoot mechancicals or move your sight pins...Problems gone or at least under the rug.
What ever bareshafts or wide Bh's are doing, your field points or narrow bh's are doing also, you just can't see it.
Good tuning is needed most in 2 situations, one is long range accuracy..Ok, I never shoot over say 20 yards...The other is close range on. A poorly tuned arrow will penertate deeper at 20 yards then it will a 5...Assuming you hit it to start with. Anyone ever broke wood shafts trying to bare shaft?? And then slapped fleching on them and called it good? They broke cause they were WAY off..O.L.