Well I got some time this weekend to shoot my new Bear Montana and my groups were nothing to be proud of, I really had to focus on my form to tighten those groups, and they still weren't that good at 15 yards.
Personally I think it's the switch from the recurve to the longbow. I read somewhere that longbows are more forgiving of bad form and release but apparently not. I really need to practice for this season.
I really like the bow though, it's not the fastest one out there but it makes up for it with SUPER quietness. And the leather grip I put on it looks a lot better than the way it was.
I have to say though that as much as I love Bear Archery they just don't make 'em like they used to. Under the grip material you can see where the two pieces of maple meet cause there are gaps and there are a couple of spots where the glue/finish job doesn't look so good under the grip material, I'd get pics but I already glued the leather on and sewed the front shut with artificial sinew (looks nice
). But all in all it's a great bow for the money and I think I use it for a long time. Thanks Bear Archery!
Now I just need to practice.