As of right now, my rookie setup will be something like this:
2005 Hoyt GM, 43#
- Sword Acusite, Bernies Custom Stab, Unknown plunger/flipper, with Bowjax dampeners, Cavalier Elite Tab
Vapor 2000 arrows, 4x 3" parabolic feathers OR GT 3355 ExpdHunters, 4x 4" shield feathers
Broadheads are 125gr Magnus 2blade Buzzcuts, Slick Trick Mag 125's or 125g NAP Hellrazors
and I've picked out my quiver, I just need to order it.
When I look at, I kinda shake my head... I went and made something that was supposed to be more simple to yet another complex mousetrap - but its a mousetrap that puts arrows into a 6" plate from 30yrds.