It's so easy to blame it on " youth ", " compound hunters", but what it really looks like is poor judgment, and inexperience. We've all been there.
At least I can say I was young ones, now I took a traditional bow 30 years ago, didn't practice very much at all, got a license, shot a deer in the first day, made the shot, clean passthrough, both lungs. Bottom line " poor judgment " I was 24 years old, wasn't stupid, wasn't an ignorant.
I'm made poor judgment, still got the deer, but I didn't get to take it home, some 300 lb. jerk, got to the deer before I did, he was probably 10 or 15 years old and I was, " he made poor judgment, took my deer. We have all been there, stop making excuses for justifying our height on the pedestal. We are all hunters, at different levels, and everyone's got their own shoes to fill, and everyone has to learn from their experiences, if they choose to.
But I have not known Tradgang to be a "compound basher"
So let's not start now ! take a breather on this one, and remember how you started out.
Everyone has baggage, it's just a matter of style of suitcase you carry it in !
Give him a break, maybe someday, they'll carry a stick and an arrow, and even make good choices.
Pastor Carl