hi i am thinking of buying the bear td supreme
and a extra set of the new longer 3#lims that will make the bow a 64" i draw 29 and i was thinking getting one set of limbs at 50# and one at 55# or maybe even 60#
wich limbs should i get in the heavier 55# 0r 60# the shorter 60" or will it stack at my 29" draw ? i pulled an older bear tk 60" and it stacked really bad at my draw it was a 60 pounder ,and no it was not my muscles stacking i have bows that are much heavier that do not stack , also last quiestion do you think they will make the supreme in 2009 or is it only a 2008 edition ? iff they are still going to make it in 2009 i will wait untill my finances are better .
thx very much in advance for any sugestions