Hi all. Thanks to a helpful member of the KCTN I am in possetion of a half dozen Carbon Express Heritage 350's and I have a couple of questions.
Now, I've always shot wood arrows in the past so forgive me if I ask some stupid stuff that I aught to know...
Anyway, in the interest of giving all the data needed for help, here's my setup:
Bow:____________66" hybrid longbow (Lonetree bow).
Draw weight:_____60# @ 30" so about 64-65# at my draw.
String:__________Fast flight.
Draw length:_____31 5/8" to the back of the bow.
Arrow length:____Cut to 32 1/8".
Insert:__________Brass. Weight unknown but it's long.
Point:___________125 grains.
Shooting style:___Right handed, split finger, tab.
Shelf/sideplate:___Fuzzy side of velcro
Ok, that's the data as it stands now. I really wanted to leave the shafts full length because I wanted the extra clearance for a broadhead. The current 1/2" is marginal in my mind. I guess it's actually about 3/4" with the extra 1/4" of insert that sticks out past the shaft.
When I started bareshafting, the shafts were full length and I wanted to use a high FOC setup with a 160 to 190 gr point but even the 125's showed pretty weak. Point of impact was somewhat right and flight was nock left. Sometimes pretty bad. Groups were poor.
I cut 3/4" off the shafts and retested. Still weak but better. Since I knew bareshaft results SHOULD show a little weak, and having no more room to shorten up, I went ahead and fletched all six shafts 5" helical banna cuts.
Well, they fly GREAT. However..... I want a heavier, longer arrow and I'd like to try the high FOC setups everyone is talking about.
Now, the question if you're still with me is this, what's the next stiffer spine in these arrows and if I leave them full length (33"), could I get good flight with the same inserts and a heavier head in the 160 to 190 range?
I don't want to spend a bunch of money on arrows I can't use.
Also, if anyone out there has a similar draw length and weight, how do my findings compare with what you shoot? What's your setup?
Thanks in advance.