Rob, Borders are some of the fastest we've tested for sure.
"I do know that fiberglass is heavy, carbon is heavy but stiffer....OK so far, OL?
So, if you didn't have either, but made the same draw weight with only wood....wouldn't you get better speeds?"
It's a little something called efficiency and energy storage. You can have 2 bows that pull the same weight, say 50#. One might store 45 ft/lbs and the other stores 35. Then the one is 85% efficient while the other is 75%.... Good 15-20 fps difference beteen those 2 bows. The bad one would have to be 10-15 pounds heavier then the other with the same arrow to match it. To get a piece of wood the same "stiffness", it will weight much more and it doesn't store the energy.
"not the A&H ACS, not the Sovereigns, not the Morrisons, not the DAS, none of em...."
That's OK, only a few have the tools and knowledge to fairly test bows. We've had 11 years old boys take them and beat long standing mens distance records so that works for me......O.L.