Went out the other day with the wife to hang a tree stand and had to leave without getting it done. The day started out fine crossing an old beaver dam and working our way up through the alders towards some oak trees. The alders are thick and the only way to get around is on the game trails. About 50 yards from the beaver swamp I noticed some fresh bear scat no big deal as there are plenty of bears around this area. The wife however was not amused as she has a real fear of bears. Another 50 yards and 5 more fresh piles of scat had the wife questioning my intelligence. I assured her that we were making plenty of noise and any bears in the area were long gone. Just as we clear the thick stuff and are about 15 yards from the tree I want to put my stand in, a bear "wuffs" and the tree starts shaking. I look up and see about a 100lb bear standing there in the tree! The wife turns and says “I’m out of here" and starts back for the truck. The bear looked like he was in no hurry to leave, the wife was headed back to the truck and I wasn't about to hang my stand with him in the tree so I decided to leave the stand and head back to the truck. I will go back later and hang the stand this time without my wife’s help as she refuses to go back to this particular area.