Hello, I'm new here but have spent several years shooting compounds, and believe it or not one of my favorite parts of archery has always been the "tuning" of bows and arrows.
So, assuming there's quite a bit of carry over even though the equipment is different....
Is it "hard"? No. Can it be frustrating? Yeah. This site puts you at such an advantage it's not even funny. Getting a setup to shoot well or even great doesn't have to be that hard.
Do you understand the basics of what's happening to the arrow when it's released and flying? If not, that's fine...but go back and read everything you can on "archer's paradox". The reason being that if you know what your asking the arrow to do it makes it a lot easier to diagnose what exactly it's NOT doing. Then you can fix it!! lol
The short answer is:
Relax, you'll more than likely enjoy it, and either way bring your questions here, and you'll get the answers.