Did you really throw it away? If not keep it around.
Sounds like you played with different BH to try and find the quite spot. Did you play with the positions of Beaver balls? The idea between changin' brace height and moving string silencer is the same. You can change the length of the string (brace height), or you can change were you put the dampers on it (the silencers).
My guess it that you may have changed the string length until your silencers were able to work. If you go back with a lower BH and longer string and move the silencers you may be much happier with results.
Look at this:
That's what a string does when it vibrates (makes sound). One string can vibrate in all those different ways at once. You want the silencers to be on the "humps". If they're in the valleys where the lines cross they aren't going to do much at all. Obviously you can't put 7 silencers on a string, and you wouldn't want to do all the measuring anyways. Just keep moving them around. Sometimes it even works out to where they aren't the same distances from the tip. When that happens you're putting them on different overtones.
Of course, if you had already spent a lot of time moving the silencers I just wasted a lot of time :D
When I make long posts like this I'm not trying to insult anybody's intelligence or "talk down". I just know I much prefer to have something explained thoroughly to me.