I have recently been bitten by the traditional archery bug. I have been a compound hunter for about six years. Well I have recently purchased a modest starter bow in the form of a Martin Longbow. 50# @ 28"...I haven't pulled with a scale yet so this may be more or less...
I am not sure what kind of arrow I need to let out of this thing. I have a draw of 31" so I am estimating that the 50# @ 28" will be 59# or 60# at 31", right?
I am interested in arrow building and plan on getting into selfbows in the near future, but right now I would just like to sling a few arrows out of my new bow...Can any of you wise folks out there send me in the right direction?
I will be hunting with this bow as soon as I am proficient with it and would like to shoot 125 gr broadheads (I know I may have to change this) on a wood shaft with feathers...Thanks for your help!!!