Well, I am a new guy to this forum, a new deciple to archery and an even newer convert to the traditional arena. So new to traditional archery that, except for a few basic facts, and a lot of practice with an old Cavotta Black Hawk, it's clear that I don't know much. So I am on the prowl for Trad knowledge with the hope of vectoring in on a longbow. I have a line on a local builder in Chester Co., PA and will call soon him and see what I can see. In the mean time though, can someone point me to any reading or information on longbow basics like: power, components, termanology, and such. I have hunted with rifles and revolvers for over 40 years. But was introduced to the world of archery last Spring and it's the best thing that has happend to me since my wife got her inheratance, a job in Washington, DC and left me and the kids. I sometimes feel guilty about having all this fun.