Hello, have been hunting some farm ground. One piece in particular has really spoke to me. Last night I had unknowingly crept to within 25 yards of three does. About a half hour from sundown a yote came down the fencerow and spooked the three and they jumped the electric fence and went north thru the woods/cow pasture making quite a ruckus as the biggest doe could still be heard blowing off on the north end of the woods.our later with about 15 minutes of shooting left out come all three doe. Two were normal to smallish but the big one is truly a big doe. If you stcuk some antlers on her you would brag about it the rest of your living day
The biggest one was less than twenty yards from me. While I was steady and at full draw I was waiting for her to come broadside to me.
Do you think tonight would be to soon to venture bak or should I let it be for a few days??? Still shocked that I crept that close to them and never spooked them considering its a picked bean field . As always I appreciate your help. Craig