Went out scouting an area I hadn't hunted in a few years. Had my Bear Grizzly with me just in case. Hadn't been out long, was standing on a high stream bank when a coyote comes trotting along. I squeaked so he would stop. When he did, I let one fly. I nailed him in the mid rib section. He barked, spun around, and took off. I retrieved my arrow, complete pass through. Here is where it goes down hill, and up hill, and everything in between. I must have hit him a little back, most likely in the liver by the looks of the blood. I trailed him for almost 300 yds through the forest. Sometimes there would only be a few drops every few feet, then there would be a spray of blood, maybe when he would turn and lick or bite at the wound. I never thought a coyote could bleed so much and keep going. At one point, near my last spot of blood, I looked through my binocs at something strange looking ahead. It looked like he was laying on his side about 20 yds ahead in the brush and was breathing/panting real hard. At that point I turned to get the arrow I had placed at the last blood sighting. When I turned around, what I was looking at was gone. I suspect he had laid down, and would have died right there, but strangely I couldn't find any more blood. After about 3 hrs and 300 yds, I couldn't find any more trail. I hate that, but I'll bet there is one less coyote in the deer woods.