1. Do even the "best" flemish twists still have the loose strands that stick out? Or is this just a possible byproduct? Is there a way to keep the loose ends "inside"?
Yes. You can trim them off if you want, but sooner or later some will work loose. Just snip them off. Nail clippers work fine on dacron, end cut pliers work on FF materials.
2. Serving. On my compound I only centerserve about 3". Any real reason to go longer than your 3fingers+nock width? (Granted, we're not chasing every possible FPS and we all need a built in margin or error...but is 7-8" really needed?)
The serving isn't just for your fingers. It also protects your string if you slap your arm guard.
3. Endless loops. How long do servings need to be on the loops? Can't find a rule of thumb on this. People complain that they're louder...has anyone tried or played with padding the served area?
Like Charlie said, depends on the loop size needed. Or, if you mean below the loop, around 5" seems to be the rule of thumb. They are louder, especially on recurves where you get limb slap--most servings are harder than most string materials, so it will make more noise when slapping the limb. I shoot mainly longbows/selfbows with flemish strings, so I haven't tinkered with trying to quieten an endless.
4. Halo for end serving?.....AND does that stuff come in any colors besides black and white?
Halo will work for end servings (I prefer 62XS). It does come in several colors. The list I have on hand says: black, white, red, blue, green, OD green, brown, purple, yellow, pink, flourescent green, orange, teal, and tan. E-mail
[email protected] for a current list.