I have always liked short bows, I have fallen in love with them since I have started hunting from POP-UP Blinds.
The major problem of us oldtimers shooting the short bows back in the sixties wasn't due to the fact that the bow was less accurate, it was due to the lack of tuning knowledge that we have now. I would venture to say that most were not tuned, they were shooting the wrong arrows, or they were drawing 29 or more inches. Those things described me then too!
I am not the worlds greatest shot, but short bow scores on 3D and game for me are about the same. If the bow shoots great for you, don't get hung up on the length, thank God and shoot to your hearts content.
The major draw back is in the area of finger pinch. In most cases, if the draw is not more than 27 - 28 inches 52 inch bows are no problem.