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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Black Widow Shooting School???  (Read 526 times)

Offline ThomastaylorIII

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Black Widow Shooting School???
« on: October 30, 2008, 11:53:00 PM »
Anyone attend Black Widows shooting school? What was your opinion of it? just wanting some information. Thanks
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Online Terry Green

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Re: Black Widow Shooting School???
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2008, 09:12:00 AM »
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Online McDave

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Re: Black Widow Shooting School???
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2008, 11:17:00 AM »
I attended a couple of years ago.  The school is taught at the BW plant by Fred Asbell and Ken Beck.  It combines three things:

1.  Instinctive archery, primarily taught by Fred Asbell.

2.  Bow and arrow tuning, primarily taught by Ken Beck.

3.  Touring the facility and trying out any of a large number of BW bows, which are available on racks all during the course, to use during training or on breaks.

In the course of the training, you meet Roger and other BW employees.  There was never any pressure to buy anything at BW (not that any of us needed to be convinced).

All the course objectives were met, all the folks were friendly, and all the food was good.  What can I say?  I've been tempted to go back for another round, just because of the good feelings I have about the experience.  However, I think there is a benefit from learning from different teachers, so I will probably try something else.  This was a great way to start, though.

If you go to this course, you should be prepared to learn the instinctive method of shooting.  Even if you don't agree with everything Fred says, just focus on what he is saying and doing for the time you are there, and put your own personal touches on it later.  (I think the same could be said for any method of instruction).
TGMM Family of the Bow

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Offline R. W. Mackey

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Re: Black Widow Shooting School???
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2008, 11:34:00 AM »
I agree with McDave, I attended this past spring, it was great. I have been shooting a bow for a very long time and still learned something new. If you are a beginner, it's a great way to start.  If your an old timer, I bet you will learn something new. Fred and Ken are very good teachers with a lot of bow savvy, you will not be disappointed. One of the best things you get out of the class is a video of everyone shooting one on one with Fred.  He goes over your shooting style, makes suggestions, and you are able to review everyone's mistakes, including yours, at anytime.  They also have a 7# bow for teaching form, it's a great tool.  
  Sign up quick, if you decide to go, it fills up fast.

R. W.
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Offline Curtis Haden

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Re: Black Widow Shooting School???
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2008, 12:19:00 PM »
Never attended the class, so just think of this as a long "TTT"...  What I want to tell you is that a finer group of guys you will not find!

Having just met Fred at Black Widow while they were having class last year, I don't really know him.  From his writings, anyone can tell that he is experienced and insightful, whether you agree with all his conclusions or not.

Ken Beck is a true ambassador for the sport of traditional archery!  IMHO, he belongs right up there with some of the greats.  A business man for sure, but he held the line when many others gave up after the compound craze started.  We probably wouldn't be where we are today without folks like him.

Toby, Roger, and John are some the best.  I've never walked in the shop without being made to feel right at home.  Almost to embarrassed to ask, but I went in one day with another big-name riser that I had a little problem with.  Got it used, and the fix was more than I wanted to tackle alone. Those guys didn't even bat an eye.  They went right to work on it, got it fixed, and wouldn't take any money for their time. That's some good customer service, for someone who's only ever bought a few piddly little accessories there!

I wouldn't hesitate to attend, and probably will someday when I can find the time and $$!
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Re: Black Widow Shooting School???
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2008, 10:42:00 PM »
I went 2 years ago and would go again in a heartbeat because it was enjoyable and insightful. You have to book early cuz it fills up.
bryce olson

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Re: Black Widow Shooting School???
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2008, 10:51:00 AM »
McDave said it perfectly. Great food and stories too!!

Offline Desperado

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Re: Black Widow Shooting School???
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2008, 09:51:00 PM »
I went as a birthday gift from my wife. She went along and was "touristy" while I was at the school.  She came back for meals and was made to feel very welcome indeed by everyone.
I am right handed but left eye dominant. Ken & Fred tried to get me to switch and shoot left handed but it was a disaster. I had blood running down the left side of my face from cuts on my face from the left hand tabs and gloves.Finally gave up and stayed Right handed. I think I was their only switch attempt failure! Very Highly recommended. Everyone was TOP SHELF!!! GO IF YOU CAN. Didn't actually learn anything new but had a wonderful experience. Thinking about going again just for the fun! Cotton

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