Last December I was setting up my climbing stand in the dark, early am during muzzle-loading season when a pack started yipping and howling just above me on the hill. Seemed they were right behind me and I couldn't see nothin'; talk about bone-chilling!!

I made record time getting hooked up, dressed, and climbing that tree!! :eek:
Shot a coyote with a muzzleloader once about 25 ft. away when she came up out of a creek bottom. I had just poured a hot cup-o-joe from a thermos and trying to get warm when she popped out and I scrambled fora place to set my cup and grab my smoke-pole up.
Oct "07 saw a beautiful, large, coyote from my deerstand. Had black trim behind all his legs--very nice!! Wanted him bad, but didn't think I could make the shot---pushing 40 yds out.
I decided to try that stand again, though I had hunted it 3x and no deer in sight, just for a crack at him again. Next week, same stand, getting ready to leave and saw a smaller, coyote coming around bend in hillside. I "squeaked" by kissing into my hand---she stopped cold and stared but was mostly covered my clump of briars. She started off and I squeaked again. she stopped briefly, stared, and started off. All I could think was "Oh, no you don't". Let it fly-----hit her middle/middle.She ran full bore about 50 yds, then stopped and ran backwards like someone had her on a fishing line and stopped about 10 yds from my stand. Had only a tiny window to see her nad tried shooting through it. caught a piece of branch and arrow pinned her leg to the ground! WOW was she p*ssed!!!!! She bit my carbon arrow into about 20 pieces. 1/2 hour later, she had stopped moving and I thought she was dead. I climbed down, went to get her and GGGRRRRRR! she jumped up about 2 ft away

and I about jumped from my skin!!! she started loping off very slowly and I started jogging after her, flinging an arrow when I had a quick glimpse! Missed 3 times!

Finally caught up to her at the bottom of a little ravine and punched her for the final out!
And her she is, my first Trad Kill:
