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Author Topic: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.  (Read 957 times)

Offline adkmountainken

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lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« on: October 31, 2008, 08:55:00 PM »
well just as it was getting prime time near dark a siren went off by the road. i was thinking bet that sets of the songs dogs. sure did but i was not expecting a pack of them to start singing 50 yards behind me!!!  :scared:   they then proceded to move through the brush around me. to see it was a little un-nerving would be an under statement.  :eek:    the commenced to yip and bark at me as i know they winded me. i usually wear my long knife "honor" or my big bowie "chaos" but did not have either tonight as i had not been wearing them the last few hunts. you can bet i will not be without one or both again. a big piece of cold steel is a comfort on such occasions!  :readit:   now lets here your stories, ever been chased or bit????
I go by many names but Daddy is my favorite!
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if your lucky enough to spend time in the mountains...then your lucky enough!
What ever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.


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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2008, 09:25:00 PM »
Two years ago I was confronted by three yotes as I climbed down out of my tree stand. I had stayed a little longer than usual and it had gotten quite dark.  I didn't even hear them aproach. As soon as my feet hit the ground they started growling. After I picked up my skin off the ground and put it back on I quickly climbed back up the tree.
I reckon so

Offline adkmountainken

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2008, 09:36:00 PM »
3 years ago my brother in law was walking to his stand during muzzleloader season. half way ther he heard the yotes sound off right behind him. he continued walking, looked behind him and saw 3 running right at him. he shot and killed one and the other 2 ran. reloaded and reached hid stand. wile climbing his stand he looked down and there were the other 2 20 yards from his stand! got in his stand and shot the secound one, the third ran off. 4 hours later here comes the dam third yote! yup, you gussed it 3 for 3 got him too! would ot have belived such a story but i got to see all 3 yotes and my bro in law is a straight shooter, no b.s.!
I go by many names but Daddy is my favorite!
listen to everyone,FOLLOW NO ONE!!
if your lucky enough to spend time in the mountains...then your lucky enough!
What ever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.

Offline BEN

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2008, 09:45:00 PM »
Last December I was setting up my climbing stand in the dark, early am  during muzzle-loading season when a pack started yipping and howling just above me on the hill. Seemed they were right behind me and I couldn't see nothin'; talk about bone-chilling!!   :scared:   I made record time getting hooked up, dressed, and climbing that tree!!   :eek:  

Shot a coyote with a muzzleloader once about 25 ft. away when she came up out of a creek bottom. I had just poured a hot cup-o-joe from a thermos and trying to get warm when she popped out and I  scrambled fora place to set my cup and grab my smoke-pole up.
Oct "07 saw a beautiful, large, coyote from my deerstand. Had black trim behind all his legs--very nice!! Wanted him bad, but didn't think I could make the shot---pushing 40 yds out.
I decided to try  that stand again, though I had hunted it 3x and no deer in sight, just for a crack at him again. Next week, same stand, getting ready to leave and saw a smaller, coyote coming around bend in hillside. I "squeaked" by kissing into my hand---she stopped cold and stared but was mostly covered my clump of briars. She started off and I squeaked again. she stopped briefly, stared, and started off. All I could think was "Oh, no you don't". Let it fly-----hit her middle/middle.She ran full bore about 50 yds, then stopped and ran backwards like someone had her on a fishing line and stopped about 10 yds from my stand. Had only a tiny window to see her nad tried shooting through it. caught a piece of branch and arrow pinned her leg to the ground! WOW was she p*ssed!!!!! She bit my carbon arrow into about 20 pieces. 1/2 hour later, she had stopped moving and I thought she was dead. I climbed down, went to get her and GGGRRRRRR! she jumped up about 2 ft away   :scared:   and I about jumped from my skin!!! she started loping off very slowly and I started jogging after her, flinging an arrow when I had a quick glimpse! Missed 3 times!   :knothead:   Finally caught up to her at the bottom of a little ravine and punched her for the final out!
And her she is, my first Trad Kill:

M.O.A.B  54# Thunderstick
Ancient Spirits 62# "Thunderhawk"
Browning Wasp 45#

"VEGETARIAN"----Old Indian word for "BAD HUNTER".


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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2008, 09:45:00 PM »
I was walking in to get to some roosted turkeys by this shallow pond when I heard growling.  The yote was a mere 4ft away and I couldn't see him because it was too dark.  I kinda jumped back and pointed the 10 guage single shot his way.  Still growling I said HEY!!! adn he scampered off.   Had to check my drawers on that one.  

I wouldn't be too worried about a pack around me.  Once they know your human they will scatter.
2009 Kansas State ASA Traditional Champion

Offline ishiwannabe

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2008, 09:46:00 PM »
I have killed a few. One came at me while I was turkey hunting one fall. It saw me, knew I was a man and started stalking me. I shot it at five yards with a turkey load.
Another was zig zagging in front of me while I was in aground blind during regular season. Just kept going back and forth, looking at me. I turned around and saw two coming in behind me. Shot the zig zagger.
I have also had them follow me into stands at oh dark thirty and circle it a few times.
My brother was late coming out one night during bow season. I went in thinking he hit a deer. He was still up in the tree...wouldnt come down because he saw a large pack of yotes at dusk.
Yeah when the coyotes get large in numbers, they get brave. I have  read a few accounts in outdoor magazines of attacks, but for the life of me cant remember any of the info as to where or why.
"I lost arrows and didnt even shoot at a rabbit" Charlie after the Island of Trees.

Offline adkmountainken

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2008, 09:52:00 PM »
my brother in law has spent A LOT of time in the woods and has saw/killed MANY YOTES. HE SAID THE 3 HE SHOT THAT DAY WERE definitly AFTER HIM with bad intentions. he is the first one i have ever heard them chasing, they picked the wrong guy! 99.9% of the time they scatter once they figure out your human, its the .1% of the time like my bro in law that ya really think about when they start singing to ya.
I go by many names but Daddy is my favorite!
listen to everyone,FOLLOW NO ONE!!
if your lucky enough to spend time in the mountains...then your lucky enough!
What ever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.

Offline Gordon martiniuk

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2008, 11:25:00 PM »
Yes me too I had coyotes try and claim my bow kill less than 10 min after arrowing a good buck that scored 136" I watched coyote pick up the blood trail at my stand not more than 10 min after arrowing Deer his tail went up and off he went I Quickly came down from my stand and went on the trail by the time I found my deer not more than 100yds from stand coyote was allready eating his way in from hind end the the beast had the gall to growl and circle me as I claimed my trophy so yea I now wack as many coyotes as i can Took 4 allready this year with a bow   :thumbsup:

Offline buckracks7

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2008, 12:01:00 AM »
I had 4 stalk my deer decoy. 2 went way around to the back to catch it if it ran. The other 2 came at it from different angles in the front. I arrowed one as soon as he got close enough. It was interesting to watch them work as a team.

I had one that followed me to my ground blind in the dark. My low battery mini-mag didn't give me enough light to take a shot with my bow. When I got to my blind I could hear him circling behind me. I decided to walk back out, and he followed me all the way. He did growl a few times.  

I ran one off of my deer just 30 minutes after I shot it.
If it's in your way, move it.

Offline Rick P

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2008, 12:56:00 AM »
I was out fishing one night not far from my home when off in the distance I herd a howl. Soon there was a chorus of mournful baying on the north end of the lake. I shut off my lantern and laid back on the ice listening as the pack gathered and prepared for the evenings hunt. I hadn't notice it with the lantern on but the northern lights were dancing across the sky adding to the mystic feel of the cold Alaskan night. The pack was at full strength now and started to work the edge of the lake in the light of the Aurora I could make out quick shadows......oh wait that was a wolf pack! you wanted a yote story, sorry my bad.
Just this Alaskan's opinion

Offline BEN

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2008, 10:17:00 AM »
Last day of deer season last winter I was in my stand in the morning. Two coyotes came up my trail, one with a white-tipped tail. they veered off and disappeared into brush. Later that morning a large flock of turkeys flew down and were feeding around my stand then after awhile, went out into a large open field behind me, eventually scattering out over an area about the size of a football field.
About an hour later I heard a wild amount of cackling and yelping. I looked over my shoulder and the flock was bunching up and heading aback towards me in the woods. A lone coyote was walking  at a distance past them ALMOST like he was just going to go past them, but just getting close enough to bunch them up and move 'em. As teh flock reached the woods, there was an "explosion" in the brush and the white-tipped coyote grabbed a turkey from point-blank range from its hiding place behind me. Pretty awesome watching that teamwork and the fact that the 1 was hiding behind me about 20 yds and I never saw it after they disappeared earlier that morning.

M.O.A.B  54# Thunderstick
Ancient Spirits 62# "Thunderhawk"
Browning Wasp 45#

"VEGETARIAN"----Old Indian word for "BAD HUNTER".

Offline Bill Carlsen

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2008, 10:41:00 AM »
I've shot at 3 and missed them all. Several times they have eaten my deer before I could recover them the next day. Last year while dressing out my moose a pack was howling about 100 yards away. I knew the moose had to stay where she was til the morning so I stripped down to my sweaty long sleeved T-shirt and draped it over her carcass. Next morning she had not been touched. I have never had coyotes intimidate me but have had it happen with a couple of "house pets".   I have a .45 pistol and a permit to carry that occaisionally goes with me but I doubt that I will ever really need to use it.
The best things in life....aren't things!

Offline the not so straight arrow

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2008, 11:54:00 AM »
ive been turkey hunting before when my buddy turned around face to face with one. course he was just as surprised to turn around and see the coy dog as the coy dog was to see him instead of a turkey. it was the spring season so he didnt bother trying to arrow it other wise im sure he wouldnt of passed up such a nice pelt. it was more comical than scary to be honest but i do know of some storys where the dogs have gotten a little bit bold, following hunters out of the woods while dragging deer and such. never happened to me before but i do believe it. so far my expierience are limited to those random encounter's while hunting and a few on the trapline every season. i also can admit to trying to pick one off from our front porch at around 6 forty five in the mourning butt naked (saw him from the bathroom window before my shower) with a rabbit squaller in my mouth and .223 in hand lol. all my girlfreind siad was "you might be a redneck if...".
- cory
burry me with my longbow, and a dozen good shafts, heard theres big deer in heaven

Offline Danny Roberts

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2008, 12:11:00 PM »
They run into the pasture fields and I clock 'em with an .06

Offline trashwood

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Re: lets here about your run ins with coyotes.
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2008, 01:40:00 PM »
ya get ya a hen (live one) and a wire cage she will fit in.  put her about 15  yds away in her cage with a cord tied around her leg.  let everthing settle down, then start pull on her leg with the cord.  she will start cackling and raising sand.  

coyotes will come in with the tounges hang out they ran so far.  watched one turn the cage over and over with his paw tring to get the hen out.  had three coyotes come in at one time tring to get the hen.

rusty -smarter than a coyote- Craine

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