Enigma isn't a copy of asat, the co-owner of asat was displeased with the other partner and went out on his own. I had supper with him and a friend and looked at the beggining stages of this camo about three years ago, it was neat to watch him manipulate the pattern on his laptop. My buddy runs a small video production company called UCit1st outdoors and I accompanied him on this for a third eye so to speak, I still like asat and don't own any of the Enigma patterns since I've gone almost exclusively to wool and I've always been a bigger fan of the predator line. If you look on the trophy phots area several of my buddies are pictured there, it appears to be another functional pattern that I would wear but only if it came in wool. It seems I've had most of the other materials which maybe for early season would suffice but I hunt mostly in the midwest and most of the time it's fairly cold.