Sorry about the slow going here fellas. I had a busy evening last night. It was a good kind of busy though;) On with the story! I'll keep it short.
The temperature had dropped considerably from the week previous. We finally had the cold snap we were looking for to get the deer moving and I intended to be there when they did. I headed out to the blind for the afternoon sit. I placed out some more bait(can only put two gallons out at a time here) and settled in for the afternoon sit. I said my daily prayers and began to doze off.
Then all of a sudden I hear the faint sound of footfalls behind me...four legged footfalls!!! I turn my head to see a deer coming straight for me...directly downwind! It was about 70 yards out and closing fast!
Now, you can say what you will about scent prevention, but I can tell you I worked all morning mixing concrete and didn't shower before heading out into the woods. That deer was on a mission to get to that bait. Perhaps the bait acted in a way to cover my scent. Anyways, I certainly wasn't fresh as a daisy and he certainly was downwind coming in.
As the deer gets closer I notice headgear. It's a smaller buck, but I take what the good Lord gives me! I begin to reposition myself to shoot him as he comes past. I am still amazed that he hasn't smelled me. To be honest, I was expecting him to blow out at any moment, but he just kept coming.
After some shananigans before getting to the bait, he began to feed. He would look up at me every few seconds. I always close my eyes when this happens. I think deer can feel eyes upon them just like we can.
I took my shot and dropped him right where he stood. Spine shot. A second shot to the lungs shortened his passing. I had my first buck with the longbow! I wish I would have had the camera out in the field, but I took some pictures back at home. Here he is! Not a monster, but he's a trophy to me! Have a great day!