Allen, got your former bow in yesterday, shot it back to back with my Robertson. As I said previously, first Tip for me. Both shot near identical as far as feel/ cast/ quietness etc. I'll say, Tips sure are some nicely made bows. The finish work on the riser was really only rivaled by my Habu. Well, after a day of shooting, the Tip is however on its way to Louis Lucido. I decided to stick with my Robertson (haha even though I just listed it for sale!). The grip on the Robertson suits me better, and while the Tip was a beauty, the slimmer lines of the Robertson are more in line with my love of longbows. I'm glad I test drove the Tip. Now I understand the devoted (fanatical??! Hahaha) following. Honestly, if I had the drive, I wouldn't hesitate to order one new. Alas, I have once and for all realized I am a longbow lover. Hence the Robbie also going up for sale. Here's some pics comparing the Tip and the Robbie: