Over the summer I've re-entered traditional archery from compounds(same story as many). My recurve is a Great Plains 55@28 I also have a Barta Longbow 55@28 but shoot the recurve with more consistancy, I shoot left handed, instinctively, off the shelf with 27 inch draw.
Presently I'm shooting Beman 400 carbons cut to 28" that I purchased from 3 Rivers with 125 grain points and broadheads standard inserts. I have used Bemans for years and felt comfortable with the arrows. I have them shooting fine and really enjoy shooting again, practicing most days.
The problem is I have a very limited knowledge on arrows. From what I read on tradgang I think I should be shooting arrows with greater foward weight for a more dependable flight and penetration and I understand that concept.
Now the questions. Should I increase the length of the arrow as I increase foward weight? Should I consider brass inserts? What would be a good arrow weight to work towards? Since I shoot lefthanded should I shoot right helical feathers?
Please help this newbie, I have aquired to much incomplete knowledge and opinion to grasp a good understanding of arrow selection.