Hey guys,
I very recently got into traditional archery. I have been interested in it for awhile but never found the time to get around to it, but where there's a will there's a way. I have been trying teaching myself how to shoot, and well, it is not going swimmingly. I am looking for some advice here because I really don't have an outlet to get it from, so let me give you my story and maybe you guys can help.
I am 20 and I work as well as go to school. I have shot a compound all my life as well as the rest of my family, and I would say I am pretty good at it. I hunt a lot and would love to hunt with a traditional bow but I just can't find the time to practice, much less find time to shoot during day light hours (730 to 530 in Michigan this time of year). I have done some research and could probably set up a maximum of 10 yards to shoot in my house, but the main problem with that is, I STINK. I have promising days and I have discouraging days, I just don't want to shoot an arrow into the wall on those discouraging days.
A friend of my Dad's friend gave me the bow, because he never uses it and he has no kids to give it to. It is a Howard Hill, 'Half Breed', signed by Howard Hill and someone else (I don't have it in front of me I am in the library), he gave me the impression that this is a nice bow, is it? It is 60 lbs at 28" and at my 31" draw length (I'm 6'5") is a heavy load. I don't have too much of a problem pulling back since I've been pulling heavy bows back for awhile and would like to think of myself as pretty strong. However, pulling it back and being accurate are two different things. I know this is all kind of rambling but I wanted you guys to know what you were dealing with so you could hopefully better answer my questions. So what I am trying to ask is:
A) Should I get a lighter bow to practice with, if so any suggestions? (keeping in mind I am on a shoe string budget)
B) Not having a membership to an archery club (yet), and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to get there every day. How do you guys find a way to shoot every day? I leave at sunrise and come back in the dark in the winter, I have to shoot inside. What is the best way of doing this? This may sound stupid, I don't know, but what if I hang a thick blanket or piece of carpeting up as a back drop for my target, which I will inevitably miss?
C) Any suggestions on books? 'Instinctive Archery Insights' By Dr. Kidwell looked promising.
D) Do you think I would really benefit from some lessons? Or should I just practice practice practice? Because practicing more is free, lessons aren't. But then again time is money.
E) My local Sportsmans Club has a winter league, which my dad has been apart of on and off during the years. I know there are a couple guys who shoot traditional. Should I go even though I will probably make a fool of myself cause, lets face it, I'm not very good.. yet.
Thank you so much in advance to anyone that answers. I have poured over this forum for some time and you guys have been very helpful thus far. I am sorry I couldn't make it shorter, I really am. BTW I will be at that Michigan bunny stomp some day; that looks like so much fun. I love rabbit hunting, but with a bow? I might have to practice more…