Hello to everyone and hoping all has been well with you . I have been busy with family matters these last few months and haven't been on here in a while , my loss . I just sent Mick an email to work out the final details . I still have my home made waterbuffalo target to practice on . Should be about right size . First though I have to get my butt ready for the Solana hunt. I will probably take my trusty widow as I have a few sets of limbs for it . I had bought a new wiow in 1989 or 1990 and even thogh I have other top name bows I seem to come back to it . I have a good Quillon Longhunter that I really like but it is hard to travel with . I'm partial to those Simmons interceptors and have taken a lot of animals all over with them but might go to the 190 Grizzlies for this hunt . I'll let you know as time draws near . Thanks for thinking of me , Fred