I've been playing around for the last 3 days resharpening all my WW's and I'm about ready to give up. If you can get these hair popping sharp I'd have to see it for myself. I'm not sharpen challenged. I may not be the best at sharpening things but I can get my STOS and Magnus heads pretty scary sharp & my knives. I just can't get a WW scary sharp. I can get them what I would call hunting sharp but not hair popping and so sharp you are afraid to touch them.
I have used files,DMT stones in 600 and 1200 grit plus sandpaper from 60 grit to 2000 grit, leather strop ect ect ect. Seems like the more I try to polish the edge the duller it gets. I get the best results with light strokes from a file and then about 4 passes each side on the red DMT stone, then 1/2 passes on a hard stone and then strop it a few times. Any more then that and I swear it gets duller.
I've pushed the head, pulled the head, front to back, back to front an then used the sideways method. All with the same results.
I've watched Charlie's method and tried it numerous times and I get about the same results.
You have to put pressure on the head to get it to cut hair. Not the results I'm trying to achieve at all.
I'm starting to wonder if
"Hair Popping" is the same degree of sharpness to all of us. I'd sure like to mail one of mine to someone who says they can get them hair popping sharp and have them send it back.
Any takers?