Nobody ever talks about how much center cut is on their individual bows. Some are IBO legal at 1/8" shy of center...and my Morrison is cut 3/16 PAST center.
Shooting only 48# and drawing 28 3/4", shooting 29.5" GT5575, I use a 100 gr. brass insert (used to use the GT weights with all-thread, but hated all that fussin around) and a 160 gr. head.
I have about 24% FOC. Learned recently that the cut to center or past riser equates to the arrow having trouble deciding which way to go into paradox...and can lead to some foibles in flight if the release isn't perfect.
I'll be working on shiming out the sideplate back toward center or SHY of center some to get my Foc up to EFOC (28%). I expect two things. One, I will make the arrow release a bit more forgiving, and two it will enable me to use smaller, quieter feathers than now.
Stealth is the game...so why not with my arrows having smaller quieter fletching on them?
The amount of center shot of a riser makes a huge diff in spine compared to draw weight! Most folks have to prove it to themselves. I did!