My little Artemis, we call her Missy. My sweetheart and I do not have children, MIssy is our baby. She is spoiled, we prefer the term, well loved

She has great natural instinct.

The nose is always to the ground.

We were walking the other day and jumped a blacktail doe about 100 yards out. Missy put her nose to the trail and followed every step that deer took for another 200 yards, until she crossed a covey of quail. She loves going hunting with me, and will run into her travel kennel if she sees me grabbing my bow. She is still just a pup, and is easily distracted. She is getting fixed this afternoon. Come the new year, I will step up her tracking training. The goal is to utilze her as a blood trailing hound. She has been with me a few times when we have recovered deer, and I think the last time she put two and two together and realized a down deer means fresh liver to snack on! As soon as she saw the downed animal she ran over to it and began chewing it's ears, and tugging away
One thing I will say, beagles are smart, cute, but stubborn and cheeky. I wouldn't trade mine for the world!