3under, You bring out good stuff.."I've noticed when shooting in heavey crosswinds that the EFOC carbons(Carbon extremes 150's & 3555 GT's with 250 grains up front)"tail wag" more then my wood arrows (non-EFOC's) but they are not blown as far off as the woodies."
The "faster" an arrow will stabilize when disturbed by twigs, wind shears, small childern, ect...The less drag they'll have and the more velocity they'll carry down range. The further forward the FOC is, the more stable the arrow is. Again it's maintaining velocty that's helping you. The high FOC is "wagging" cause it's "correcting" while the low FOC is not(as fast), it's just drifting down wind!
"I prefered the 150 grain longer bullets to the 130 grain projectiles. The 150s started out a little slower but retained velocity better and were faster at 300 yards and delected less due to the crosswind less than the 130's."
Yep, the flight arrows that go the furthest(flatest) aren't the lightest(fastest). In fact the best ones are VERY heavy for their size. (and very high FOC) That cross sectional density thing effecting the drag coefficient. Skinny carbons the same weight as fat woods will shoot flatter and penetrate better even though they start out the same speed....O.L.