Bill -- That Treadway is a nice looking bow. How does it shoot for you? Have you compared it to a Shrew Classic Hunter? I still can't believe you sold both your Quest and your Shawnee, what I consider to be two of the best shooting bows ever made! It just goes to show that everyone has his own preferences. I can't complain since the Quest is sitting on my rack as I type this. That Black Swamp looks like a very sweet design. I did notice, however, that your stable of bows are all strikingly similar in length, weight and design. Mine run from 54" to 66" and 42# to 70#, and come in recurve, longbow and hybrid designs, so no one can claim I am stuck on anything in particular in a bow other than it needing to be stick and string.
I love bows with a forward riser design. The Shrews do point well for me even when I have not warmed up. My son just took one of the Shrews out yesterday to shoot at a target in the backyard. He put every arrow in his first group into 4 inches, which is good for him with any bow, even after an extensive warm up, and he had not shot a bow in three months and was cold in every sense when he shot that first group.
Merry Christmas.