I don't worry too too much about my camo...I mainly try to get my stands in trees that have plenty of cover. Normally a single hemlock will suffice if it is in the right place. I also look for multilple trunked trees or trees that grow in a 3 or 4 trunk cluster. Setting a stand in a single trunked tree is, IMO, exposing too much of yourself and doesn't allow for normal movement without being spotted. The only time I ever had camo have an effect on my hunting was when I got some of the Predator Gray.....everything that walked by me saw me.....whether I moved or not. The Predator Brown has worked well as has most other camo patterns that are not too light in contrast to the surroundings, especially at dusk. I find it has been better for me to wear camo that is on the darker side rather than on the lighter side of the light spectrum.