First off, please tell me if this is the wrong place to post this. I searched around and this seemed the best place. I just want to be careful not to break any rules. So here's my question. Im haveing a hard time placeing my bow. I purchased it at 18 (im 30 now) from my local archery shop. It was my first long bow, picked it up for $200. A PSE rep came in and sold them a buntch of bows, one of them a long bow signed by both Pete Shepley and Jerry Hill in gold marcker on the limbs. Its a 68" 55 @28. From what ive learned it's the typical Jerry Hill design. Narrow handle, black leather grip and bits a bit on the release. This bow is numbered 200 something out of 500 made. So my question is does anyone know anything about this bow? Is it a Jerry Hill or a PSE? Is it worth anything? Right now i dont enjoy shooting it and I would like to put it towards a more comfortable bow, be that a reflex deflex or a nice martin recurve. Ill post some pics as soon as i can. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!