Now folks, here's a little story about kindness and a whole lot of passion. One of TradGang's long time members and a good friend of mine, Toby (a.k.a. BTH - which incidentally I guess refers to "Big Thumpin' Heart" though he hasn't told me) showed me what the spirit of traditional archery is all about today.
A few months ago I started getting the itch to switch to archery. There are far too few of y'all around so poor Toby got the brunt of my questions: Compound vs. Trad, Longbow vs. Recurve, wood vs. aluminum, up vs. down. Question after question were fielded with patience and careful explanation.
In my household, there isn't too much dough left for new hobbies, so with my "hand held" so-to-speak, Toby helped me make a good decision with regards to my first longbow, and I felt confident enough to finally make the jump... Then Toby went the extra, extra mile.
Today he and his wife Sara had me over, and while Sara cleared the back yard (and shooting lane) of Rhodesian Ridgeback land-mines, Toby set to building me a few arrows. Then he gave me a quiver, then he taught me how to wax the string, wrap it, and set the knock point. THEN he took me out back and taught me how to shoot!
Now I'm not the dullest bulb in the lighthouse, but I honestly never imagined I'd be hitting a target with any consistency on day one. I've had a few great teachers in my life, and one thing that's common amongst them all is a great deal of passion for the subject at hand. Toby demonstrated that passion - and knew the subject so well - that with ease and anecdote he was able to convey to me enough information that not only did I hit the target, I got to a point today where I was hitting it from across the yard! And, where yesterday I wasn't even sure I could reliably draw my bow (it's heavy for a newby) today I was drawing it with significant ease! Form is key!
Anyway, in a nutshell, Toby is one heck of a guy, and his wife Sara is really cool too!
Oh, and did I mention they sent me home with a belly full of venison burger washed down with a beer? It's my birthday or something... God is smiling.