Yes, I met Andy Mc Coy. He is a Bowyer here in Western Wash. I met him at a Trad Shoot this fall. We both had tables set up. He showing his bow line which was very impressive. Me with 20 or so bows from my collection for sale.
To make a long story short. Andy knows what he's doing. As a matter of fact I came home from that shoot with one of his 1 pc. recurves and a 1 pc. Longbow. They look nice and shoot very well and seem very fast to me. His recurves have a definate Style riser of his own design. Very pretty, and if all of the Trophy Elk and Deer he has in his shop [ a lot of big ones] are any measure of his bows, he's definately doing something right.
I have not figured out how to do pics yet but if you would like I can send someone some pictures of the two I have to post.
I think Lon Scott, aka: Blackhawk also has one of Andy's longbows and might be able to post pictures of that one.
Hope my info. helped