bowboc, thanks for the info., feel a lot better about it now.
shaft slinger,
My wife told me, if you clean up your junk, you will probably find out the info. on your bow, as you never throw any hunting stuff away. I did, &, I did.
I found the original brochure Dale sent me on Trail End Custom Bows.
On his letter head, it says, Big Medicine 64”, Good Medicine 62”, Swift Medicine 60”, Trails End Take Down ( 62” Take Down)
The 1st letter he sent me on 7-3-1989. his words:
Clear glass, & Shedua.
3 piece take-Bow $345.00
Fed ex Tax 38.00
Shipping 15.00
Delta quiver top 5.00
Two extra strings 7.00
Delta 7 arrow quiver 30.00
Total $440.00
Gave him a deposit of $100.00 Delivery the end of March, 1990
The 1st week of Dec. I sent him another $200.00
He sent back to me on 12-13-89, the credit card receipt for the $200.00, & a note.
“I’m still on time, so delivery will be the end of March”
On April 4, 1990 ( the day before I left to hike the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine) I recv. The bow, & his guarantee, said: I shot it, the bow is sound.
Riser wood: Shedua
Laminations in the riser handle are: Dark Wange, African Red Vermillion
Bow chronographed 190 FPS, shot by hand, average 8 arrows
Arrow size: 2115-22117, Draw Length 29”
Recommend brace height: 7 ½ to 8 ½ inches
Note: Do not use Fast Flight Strings-They are bad medicine for your bow.
Now when I sell it, I’ll be able to give the info. to the buyer.
Life is Good