There were yellow/tan Razorheads, peasoup green Razorheads and the last few years of production before the switch to stainless steel blades and aluminium ferrules the Razorhead glued onto screw-in adaptors was charcoal grey and factory chiseltipped. They are all good but doublecheck the grey ones-about 5% have the blade mounted out of square. Ostensibly the reason for discontinueing the Razorhead glue-ons was that the equipment for mass producing them was wearing out and the glue on market didn't justify retooling.
The Razorhead isn't the strongest design but it has proved adequate on train loads of critturs and it was probably the easiest head to sharpen ever mass produced and is about the least prone to "windplane" of any 2/1 ratio broadhead. The razorhead was perfect for Joe Twoseason who never shot his broadheads before the season and who knew nearly nothing about arrow tuning.(And it was /is an excellent head for serious bowhunters also.)