I recently purchased this great Blacktail recurve from a man on this site. I was a little reluctant because of the side mount inserts in the riser. I have not had any experience with these before. So, I started inquirying about a quiver. Nakohe graciously came forward and offered this Thunderhorn...at no charge!

It matches so well with the wood in the bow...exactly what I would have ordered. I have since offered an arrow barter with him. Thanks Donny. I am working on them!
I was pleasantly surprised at how solid the quiver feels. With the weight of the quiver up close to the riser it is very balanced when shooting it. It is a 3 arrow quiver...another first for me. But looking back at all the hunting trips I can't recall ever shooting more than 2 arrows in a trip. If I were to go back in a ways for a week I would have to change this out for a 5 or 6 arrow just in case!