I hunted yesterday and today with a buddy of mine from Marietta named CJ Pearson. Yesterday he saw nothing and I was within 30 yards of two hogs, but couldn't get a closer shot.
This morning I stumbled into a sounder of hogs after several hours. This one happened to let me get within 15 yards! She only made it about 40 yards. CJ saw four racked bucks feeding together, and a group of football sized pigs. He decided to wait on something larger, which never showed.
This is the third Howatt Hi-speed I have owned. One of my favorite bows of all time. Normally I would be hunting with one of my longbows, but this was purely for nostalgia's sake. She is 54" long and draws 55@28. I was shooting Gold Tip Traditional shafts in 55/75 with 350 grains up front. The Wensel Woodsman did a fine job. The arrow buried up to the fletch.
I marked the exit hole with a twig, and the entrance with a yellow leaf. This shot took out the near side lung and caught some liver. One inch further to the left and I wouldn't have gotten any lung. It's amazing how far forward the lungs are on a hog! This sow weighed around 110-120#.