As a new Firefly owner, I also am struck by how beautiful and well built they are. Talking back and forth with Jim was a pleasure also.
This bow simply shoots right where I'm looking, and I dont know how that happens, only that I sure do appreciate it. My other bows I need to train with, adjust, fiddle with arrows, ....not the firefly. I put some test arrows through it, and was amazed by it.
They are fast, quiet, and really fun to shoot. I am going to own more. If you go to the Braveheart Archery website and click on the Firefly bows link, mine is the first testimonial there, feel free to read it, as it is too long to post here.
Actually Sutto, your post was the inspiration for me to contact Jim back when I was looking for a new bow....thanks!
Firefly's.....I love em.