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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Arizona bowhunting question.  (Read 489 times)

Offline pointystick

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Arizona bowhunting question.
« on: February 24, 2009, 11:18:00 PM »
Fellow zonies, as I said upon first joining, I have only gun hunted in the past and am just starting to look at taking game with the bow.  To that end, I was going through the most recent AZ hunting regs and saw that for the "big" game animals, a minimum of 40# and an arrow with "metal cutting edges" of at least 7/8" diameter are required. However, in the small game sections they simply say "bow and arrow." Does this mean that lesser poundage bows are legal here for smaller animals? I'm thinking my 30# HH Bobcat with blunts would be great on bunnies and maybe even yotes if a broadhead was used, judging by how close I've been able to call them in when gun hunting.  What say you?

Online freeman

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Re: Arizona bowhunting question.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2009, 11:55:00 PM »
shooting 30#, I'd use an edged head on anything I was hunting.

Offline pointystick

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Re: Arizona bowhunting question.
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2009, 03:31:00 PM »
I figured a blunt even at 30# would be okay at rabbit ranges, but you could be right. I mainly want to determine the legalities first, and then I can decide on a particular setup. Assuming I'm okay legally, would you go with a regular broadhead, or is there some other type of sharp head that would limit tissue damage a little better?

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